The treatment of varicose veins without surgery

In the initial stages varikoznoi of the disease can be done without surgery, and use other methods of treatment. This will allow the patient to significantly improve the situation and to stop the progression of the disease. Treatment varikoza without surgery applied, and in the case of undergo surgery for any reason contraindicated.

varicose veins

When you can do it without surgery?

If you can get rid of varicose veins without surgery? Yes, in the event that there are indications for such treatment, and will be effective.

The treatment of varicose veins without surgery it seems in such cases:

  • the initial stages of the disease?
  • absolute contraindications for surgical treatment (blood diseases, diabetes mellitus etc.)?
  • pregnancy?
  • complications of varicose veins, which can't do surgery.

Basic methods of treatment without surgery

How to treat varikoz without operation? Ways to help otherwise, the proper course of treatment doctor prescribes based on the severity of the condition, comorbidities, duration of disease, the sensitivity of the organism etc.

The basic techniques of treatment of varicose veins without surgery include kompressionnuyu therapy, treatment with leeches, use of drugs, mikroflebektomiyu, fitoterapiyu. New methods of treatment of varicose veins is laser photocoagulation, and sclerotherapy. Although the cost of modern methods is quite high, the result of the processes is very good.

kompressionnaya treatment

Compressive knitted use as a standalone, and as an additional tool for the treatment of varicose veins. For this purpose they used special socks, stockings or tights with various degrees of compression or elastic bandage.

compressive knitted

Compressive knitted differs depending on the degree of "contraction" in 4 categories:

  • use as a prevention and at the initial stage of the disease?
  • when expressed signs of varicose veins it?
  • use in the presence of the nodes and is expressed venous cuts?
  • it is used in severe varicose veins.


The essence of the method is the introduction to the affected ship special solution, which like to "stick" the vein and destroys the inner shell of the vessel.

skleroterapiyu often used in combination with other bezoperacionnymi treatments varikoza. The method действенен in large extensions of the blood vessels and the development of thrombophlebitis.

Treatment with leeches

Treatment with leeches is an effective method in varikozno expanded veins. This method prevents the further progression of the disease, improves the circulation of blood in the blood vessels and reduces swelling.

For the procedure use only special medical leeches. Inject in the blood of the man's many useful components: enzymes, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic ingredients, anesthetics.

Tablets from varikoza

Medical preparations in form of tablets used for the treatment varikoza alone or in combination with other methods (local media, compressive knitted or crocheted). It is most often prescribed several large groups of medicines: flebotoniki, corticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, derivatives of aspirin, in preventing the formation of clots.

Regular taking the pill increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation and limfoottoka, reduction of edema and inflammation.

The laser treatment varikoza

The laser treatment has many advantages, such as confirming and comments of patients. When the laser impacts on the affected veins in the skin, no stitches and incisions, no pain and discomfort during the procedure, required a long period of recovery period, you do not need to remain in the hospital after surgery.

the laser treatment

The essence of laser treatment is to heat exposure to cells of the blood, with the result that the vein "zapaivaetsya" and closes. During the procedure, the doctor inserts the ship, led laser, which coagulates the affected areas of vessels.

Preventive measures

As a prevention varikoza and to determine the outcome after treatment you will have to listen to these tips:

  • the battle with excess weight?
  • don't forget about moderate physical activity in order to avoid the stagnation of blood in the feet?
  • to normalize your function day, giving enough time for rest and sleep?
  • having a self-massage of the feet;
  • follow the diet or follow the rules of proper nutrition?
  • stop the bad habits?
  • wear comfortable shoes and clothes, avoid high heels?
  • stop to visit the baths and saunas, if you have a predisposition for varikozy.

Compliance with these simple principles will help in maintaining the health of blood vessels!